Συρμάτινο σφουγγαράκι καθαρισμού μύτης κολλητηριού YH-08B
High quality copper clean ball
The clean ball use high quality copper,was good at clear tin , don't touch tin and is valid clear the iron tips oxidation.The product main advantage was protect of the iron tips didn't blacken,the black iron tips will be
bright after clear,it makes the iron tips use longer ,copper clean ball don't need to use water clean,it didn't down the temperature of solder tips ,replace of the sponge, is the lead-free solder tips using a good helper,the soldering iron tips cleaner cleaning effect better than traditional clear sponge . Since it does not contain water, cleaning the tip to maintain tip without loss of heat, it does not cause thermal shock, thereby reducing the loss of the tip.
Τρίτη, 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
ώρα 19:36 |